Keynote Topics

“Every time I present on stage, my focus is to deliver: – A message that people can USE – Motivation without over-the-top hype – Inspiration with humor – Long term effect”

Justin Osmond

A woman with her arms outstretched in the sunlight.

Don't Limit Your Challenges... Challenge Your Limits

This program is for:

  • ​Individuals & groups struggling with forward momentum
  • Building a positive attitude within a company
  • Building strong company relationships
  • Team spirit and momentum

The audience will leave with:

  • How to master, disintegrate, and overcome your fears from self-doubt and self-imposed limitations.
  • The Risks, Tragedies & Failures of living below our capacities.
  • The Benefits, Strengths & Blessings of living above our abilities.
  • Embracing our Limitations in POTENTIAL
A man painting on an easel outside.


The audience will leave with:

  • ​A Burning Fire lit within, which will stretch themselves to discover what they are truly capable of and how VALUABLE and incredible they truly are.
  • Tools, Resources, Devices, and SOLUTIONS to discover their strengths and unleash their Genius.
  • A Remembrance that they are BRAVER than they think, STRONGER than they seem, and more LOVED than they know.
A person sitting in the sand on top of their knees.

Make Life a MISSION, Not an Intermission

The audience will leave with:

  • A sense of purpose & unity that will accelerate and facilitate new leads & cooperation at a whole new level.
  • ​Rollercoaster ride & journey through emotions of fear, frustration, loss, and despair... to humor, triumph, and glory!
  • How to own the whole tree and not just the low-hanging fruit.
A man in a jacket looking at the sun

Big Breaks & Heart Breaks

The audience will leave with:

  • ​Being proactive & doing things, we don't want to do, but doing them anyway, is what defines us and makes us who we are.
  • The KEYS on how to go from VISION to REALITY.
  • Accepting ourselves for "WHO" we are vs "WHAT" we are.
  • Life is to be ENJOYED, not just ENDURED.
A man jumping over two rocks in the desert.

Discover Your ACORNS

The audience will leave with:

  • DISCOVER your passions, gifts, talents, and the ACORNS in our lives and then allow them to drive us to a "higher level of thinking, motivation & sense of purpose."
  • ​We all have limitations, challenges, and setbacks, but the SECRET is not to let those challenges have, own or define us.
  • If we don't stand for SOMETHING, we'll fall for ANYTHING.
  • How to choose the harder right instead of the easier WRONG.
A couple of men sitting next to each other.

SOUND ADVICE W/ the Osmonds

Merrill Osmond (the lead singer of the Osmonds) and his son Justin have teamed up for an epic presentation of inspired messages and music designed to help audiences take their business and personal lives to the next level. The program, "Sound Advice," is a journey of over 60 years of unique experiences lived by two generations. They share an inside look at the many lessons they've gathered throughout the years from friends like ELVIS PRESLEY, RONALD REAGAN, CHUCK NORRIS, etc., while also sharing their own personal experiences to show each person how they can face their fears and challenges, discover their strengths, have a positive attitude, and achieve their full potential.